This is my favorite time of year. It almost always brings out that cheer in even the crankiest of souls. When you wear this adorable outfit with the antlers, you are sure to bring a grin to even the most pessimistic avi's face! Elita has certainly come up with a cute and festive outfit this time. The red and green stripes remind you of an elf. This outfit is just too cute. So rush right over to Bubblegum Boutique and pick up yours today!
While there be sure to pick up your gift on the advent calendar starting on December 1. A new prize every day to count down till CHRISTMAS!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Is that Santa's Deer or Santa's DEAR?
Saturday, November 28, 2009
MissJ Coba
I am from Australia. In RL I am a 24 y/o model. I live for fashion. I just love it. That's why I think I like being a model in SL too. Clothes... clothes... clothes... HAHA! I am a funny and easy going girl. I love meeting people and helping to make people happy. I'm like a clown really.... always got a smile and on the go. I Love working at Bubblegum Boutique. The clothes are great.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Skylar Jovinavic
So much to discover! I participate in expanding my mental capacity through intriguing conversation with others. I love to model for Bubblegum Boutique as the self-proclaimed "Store-wide Sexiest Neko". When I am not modeling, I spend time with my friends--usually expanding my native language--SARCASM! I change my look quiet often, therefore, people don't always meet the same-looking avi everyday! Sometimes, I find this to cause confusion among others. But, I say--"Hey, it keeps them guessing!!"
❤ ✭;:+*'`'*+:;✭❤ NEVER A DULL MOMENT ❤ ✭;:+*'`'*+:;✭❤
MaevaBraveheart Guardian
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Onatopp Monday
I have been with Elita as a model for what seems like forever now. Since sometime in June I believe. It has been a great time for me. I now have 2 roles in the store- BB Model and Elita's punching bag... I mean Assistant.
Maron Karillion
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Snow Bunny Crossing
It is that time of year ladies! Snow is falling and the lifts are moving. Grab this outfit, some skis and a hot ski instructor and hit those slopes. For those bunnies that don't want to be in the cold, just get all cozy with that special someone in the ski lodge. Either way, you will look amazing! Available in Pink, Purple, Red and Blue.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Beautiful New Formal Winter Dress!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Movin' On Up
Labels: Christmas, New store
Movin' on up, to the top to a deluxe boutique on a new sim!! Well, she finally did it! She picked up and moved to a fabulous new sim. Bubblegum Boutique has a fabulous new look and lots of room for great new designs.
With Christmas coming up, I have her locked away in her studio designing new skins and outfits for you to put on your wish list! we have gift cards for purchase for your friends and loved ones. If you would like to send a gift to someone please IM Onatopp Monday or Elita Easterwood and we will take care of it for you.
Starting December 1 we have an Advent Calendar counting down the days till Santa comes to town!
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